
Gynecomastia, or gyno, is a condition where men develop enlarged breast tissue due to hormonal imbalances. It often happens during puberty, but it can also occur in older age or because of certain factors. While it’s usually not serious, it can cause discomfort and affect self-esteem. Treatments are available and can range from observing healthy practices and medications to surgery, depending on the cause and severity of the condition. In this article, we'll discuss what is...

Teenage gynecomastia, or gyno, is when boys develop enlarged glandular tissue due to hormonal changes during puberty. This can often be caused by an increase in fat cells around the chest area. While it's usually not serious enough to be called a medical condition, it can affect a teen’s mental health and cause feelings of self-consciousness or anxiety. If you want to know how to get rid of gyno during puberty, this article will walk you...

Gynecomastia, or just referred to as gyno, is a common condition in men where the chest tissue becomes enlarged. This can happen due to hormonal imbalances, certain medications, or underlying health issues. While it isn’t usually harmful physically, gynecomastia can significantly impact a man's psychological well-being by causing embarrassment, anxiety, and a decreased quality of life. Men often seek treatment to relieve these emotional burdens and achieve a more typical male chest appearance. The good news...

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed something off about your chest? It's not uncommon for men to develop gynecomastia, a condition where the chest tissue becomes enlarged due to certain factors. Recognizing the signs early can help you take the right steps towards treatment. This article will provide you with essential information on how to identify gynecomastia. We'll walk you through the symptoms, causes, and steps to prevent this condition so you can...

Many men experience the discomfort of gynecomastia, an enlargement of the chest tissue often mistaken for simple fat accumulation. This condition affects many men of different ages and leads to emotional distress and discomfort. It's not just about appearance; it affects a man's health and confidence. Knowing what causes gynecomastia is crucial for anyone seeking relief and treatment. To help individuals understand various treatment options and lifestyle changes to mitigate symptoms, this article discusses the factors...

If you're struggling with gynecomastia, commonly known as male boobs, you're not alone. According to a study published in the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, gynecomastia affects between 60% and 75% of men at some point in their lives. Dealing with this condition can often feel frustrating and isolating. Thankfully, there are several proven strategies to manage or eliminate this condition. This article explores practical and medically approved approaches on how to get rid of man...

Living with gynecomastia can be a challenging daily reality for many men and boys. This potentially embarrassing and uncomfortable issue, despite not usually being a severe medical concern, can profoundly influence one's daily life. This article discusses the difficulties of living with gynecomastia—exploring the aspects relating to the causes, symptoms, emotional toll, and various treatment options. Our goal is to equip individuals dealing with gynecomastia with valuable information that will help lessen the impact on their...

Gynecomastia surgery, like any surgical procedure, leaves scars as a natural part of the healing process.  These scars can vary in appearance, and their visibility depends on factors such as genetics, skin type, and the surgical technique employed. With our no scar technique, an external scar will not be visible. There will, however, be scar tissue under the skin where the surgery took place. Conversely, if you have had Gyno surgery via the open technique,...

Selecting the right anesthesia for gynecomastia surgery is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the overall surgical experience. In this blog, we'll explore three primary anesthesia options – Local Anesthesia, Local Anesthesia with Sedation, and General Anesthesia – providing key insights to help individuals make informed decisions tailored to their needs. At Toronto Gynecomastia Center, we let the patient choose which anesthetic they desire after consulting with our anesthesiologist. Regardless of if it is...

By far, the vast majortiy of patients we see present with idiopathic, pubertal gynecomastia. In non medical terms, this means that secondary to normal hormonal changes during puberty,  some patients can develop more glandular tissues than others. The primary culprit behind pubertal gynecomastia is an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone levels. Yes, even males have estrogen. While most cases may have normal estrogen and testosterone levels, the slightly different ratios of each relative to the other...